Unity3d upload text file
The Overflow Blog. Podcast Making Agile work for data science. Stack Gives Back Featured on Meta. New post summary designs on greatest hits now, everywhere else eventually. Related Hot Network Questions. Question feed. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. Accept all cookies Customize settings. Got email from someone recently, wanting to know why the code was crashing. The puzdata variable should be checked for null before accessing it.
Thanks for sharing this! Method 1 was exactly what I was looking for, and the explanation was perfect. Awsome man, you cant figure out what you do for me with the example 2, just save my life, my game its complete and then, needs to be burned with diferent codes each….
Thanks a lot, ill master the unity engine to be so helpfull as you did!!!! Had a bit of trouble with this. I was trying to use instantiate. Just dropping a line to say thanks and good work. Your email address will not be published.
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Ok I tried this example and got it working and got this in the console: I get: time x y z 1 50 54 2 52 55 This is great. Thanks so much.
Now I need to use that array to animate my cube. I understand this is an string array created by the code below. The array is named outputGrid.
I have 2 questions: 1. Is there a code inspector where I can see the array object itself? Because thats a 2d array, so Im thinking what was output to the console above was the string created by the c before inserting it into the 2d array.
SplitCsvGrid textString returnsa2Dstringarray. Collections; using System. Label " Advanced Topics. Prepare for Production. Protect your Cloud credentials.
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