Sun ultra 45 workstation service and diagnostics manual
Done CPU is identified and tested. Done Interrupt h and lers are set up and checked. Done Memory is initialized, phaselocked loops PLL are reset, and memory is re-initialized and tested. The following section contains the output of POST with max diagnostic level and max output verbosity.
The duration of POST was four minutes, 30 seconds. The left column is the output. Error messages are reported when they are found. Copyright and license are displayed.
L2 cache is set up and scrubbed data values set to defaults. DMMU is set up. Mailbox region is checked and initialized in L2 cache. Interrupt h and lers are set up. Memory is initialized. Phase-locked loop PLL is reset for the selected frequencies. New timing ratios and frequencies are displayed. Repeated initialization continues.
Memory is probed. Where found, memory is tested. CPU address pins are tested. POST is executed from memory from this point forward. Checksum on Memory Validated. Copied data is verified. CPU internal caches are tested. Data and write caches are tested.
Prefetch cache is tested. Translation look-aside buffers TLB are tested for data and instruction buffers. Floating point unit FPU is checked. On-board PCI bridges and switches are configured. Cache status is displayed. The amount of memory installed is displayed.
Memory is checked in bank0. POST conducted the tests. No output was provided. The duration of POST was seconds. Several error messages might be displayed at different times during the POST process for any single error condition. Address: A string of a5a6a5a5 was observed when a string of a5a5a5a5 was expected. For example: Power On Selftest Failed. Note — If only two DIMMs were installed and this set of errors occurred, the system would have beeped three times and powered off.
Warning messages do not contain a Repair Instructions line. Save all work in progress and close any open applications. As superuser in a terminal window of the system to run POST, type: init 0 You can view this output by connecting a serial terminal or a second system running a Tip connection through a terminal window. The second system must have a serial port capable of RS communications.
Use a crossover cable null-modem cable with the Tip connection. If your system does not have a DB-9 F connector at the serial port, adapters are available from most computer supply stores or from your Sun Microsystems sales representative. The following procedure configures for serial port 1, or TTY A. Ensure that the communication parameters are correct. Attach the crossover cable to the system being tested and then to the serial terminal or second system.
Start the Tip connection. Type: tip hardwire 3. Press the Return key several times to synchronize the h and shaking between the two systems. You should see the ok prompt. Type the post comm and. For example: ok post min max POST is run. This software enables the Sun Ultra 45 and Ultra 25 workstation to load an operating system. The operating system can be loaded from an installed hard drive, the DVD-dual drive, the network, or from some external boot device.
If an error occurs during that process, a message is usually displayed. You can use OpenBoot Diagnostics tools to help diagnose system problems. Type any key to stop. Check the Ethernet cable. Check the overall network status. The probe-ide utility displays the manufacturer and model of devices attached to the IDE buses. The tests help you narrow down a problem to a specific component.
An advantage of running OpenBoot Diagnostics through a Tip connection is that long output can be scrolled and saved. Set the auto-boot? Type: ok setenv auto-boot? Reset the system. Type: ok reset-all The system restarts and the ok prompt is displayed again. Set the diag-switch? Type: ok setenv diag-switch? Start OpenBoot Diagnostics. If the device has a self-test, the device function can be verified. Some cards may not support selftest. When the poll is finished, OpenBoot Diagnostics lists a menu of the tests that can be executed.
If a device node is not recognized, it is not listed in the menu. For example, if the Sun XVR graphics accelerator were removed from the system, the Sun XVR graphics accelerator test would not be available, and all remaining tests would shift location and be renumbered. Tests environmental controller. Checks headers and checksums. Tests the secondary or primary serial port at different baud rates.
For the simplest testing, follow this procedure. At the obdiag prompt, set the diagnostic passes to 1. Set the diagnostic level to maximum. Reseat the graphics accelerator in the PCI slot or replace it.
Problem with fan or other temperature controls. Check fan tray backplane connector. Problem with flash PROM on motherboard. Check the motherboard and replace if necessary. If no problem with the device, check the motherboard. Note — The help comm and provides additional information for configuring OpenBoot Diagnostics.
Using the previous examples, you would type: The following is a successful flashprom test. The following is an example of a serial loopback test with no connector. Searching for self-test methods. Rejecting alloc-mem! The battery has drained. Replace the battery. Attempt to run OpenBoot Diagnostics from a selected device node. Each DIMM in a pair is from a different manufacturer. Each DIMM in a pair has a different architecture.
The DIMMs are not used. OpenBoot Diagnostics failed to start. Some devices might be tied to other processes. Drive might be corrupted. Check internal connections. Check boot server. Install DIMMs in identical pairs. Check network connection. Sun VTS is a system exerciser that you can use to check for intermittent or long-term failures. Sun VTS software executes multiple diagnostic tests from a GUI that provides test configuration and status monitoring.
Use only Sun VTS 6. You can change power management settings in the Dtpower application or you can make changes by editing the power. The Dtpower application is easier to use. Editing the power. This chapter provides some basic power management instructions. There is also a mode for customizing the settings. St and ard All devices go into low-power mode. Customized Allows user to customize settings for displays and disks. Disabled No power management for any device.
Before you configure power management, consider the way that you use the Sun Ultra 45 or Ultra 25 workstation. If so, use only minimal power management, or none at all. The power. For more information see the power. The application exits and you are finished.
The window exp and s. Continue with the remaining steps. Set the Override Device Idle Time for displays or drives. Click OK to close the application. If any single device is powered up, the LED will stop flashing. To reactivate the Sun Ultra 45 or Ultra 25 workstation from low-power mode, press the spacebar on the keyboard or move the mouse. If you are connected remotely, any system activity that you initiate can bring the workstation out of low-power mode.
B-1 ,19 mm Other aspects of the Sun Ultra 25 are the same as the Sun Ultra 45 workstation. It is capable of sustained execution of four instructions per cycle, even with conditional branches and cache misses. Instructions are issued in program order to multiple functional units, and executed in parallel.
Instructions from two basic blocks are issued in the same group to further increase the number of instructions executed per cycle. Since each DIMM could be dual sided upper and lower banks , there are maximum of four data loads per physical bank.
The cache line is split across the two physical banks. Both banks are controlled by the memory controller. Note — DIMMs must always be installed in pairs. A memory controller sends requests in the pipeline, using 16 memory banks in the Sun Ultra 45 when fully loaded, and 8 memory banks in the Sun Ultra 25 when fully loaded.
When powering off, the Sun Ultra 45 or Ultra 25 workstation sends a Break signal out the serial ports. This break could interfere with a workstation-controlled server if the server is operating through a Tip connection. Note — You must reconfigure the alternate Break key sequence after a server power cycle. This action prevents any serial communication with the server. To re-establish serial communications, turn the key to the unlock position. Save the file. Reinitialize the kbd drivers.
B 2 In networking, a unique code that identifies a node to the network. ASIC Application-specific integrated circuit. See also SATA. See interleaving. BGA Ball grid array. Glossary-1 C cache A smaller, faster accessible set of memory used to speed up operations of CPUs, storage, and networking components. Typically found within the component it serves.
CD-RW Rewritable compact disc. An algorithm or computer program for reducing byte consumption in large files and programs.
DDC2 Display data channel version 2. DDC2 is the I 2 C interface used to communicate with the monitor. DIMM Dual inline memory module. A printed circuit card that contains dynamic r and om access memory chips. DMA Direct memory access. The transfer of data directly into memory without supervision of the processor. The data is passed on the bus directly between the memory and another device. D-TLB Data translation look-aside buffer. E ECC Error checking and correction.
The detection and correction of all single-bit errors, plus the detection of double-bit and some multiple-bit errors. ECP Extended capabilities port. EMI Electromagnetic interference. An electrical characteristic that directly or indirectly contributes to a degradation in performance of an electronic system.
ESD Electrostatic discharge. Ethernet A type of network hardware that provides communication between systems connected directly together by transceiver taps, transceiver cables, and various cable types such as coaxial, twisted-pair, and fiber-optic. G FPU Floating-point unit.
A device board or integrated circuit that performs floating-point calculations. Gbit Gb Gigabit. Commonly used term in Ethernet: Gigabit Ethernet. Gbyte GB Gigabyte. A gigabyte is megabytes. Usually refers to data transfer speeds or the capacity of a storage device. GHz Gigahertz. One billion cycles per second. GUI Graphical user interface. Glossary-3 I I 2 C Inter-integrated circuit.
A chip-to-chip serial bus. IChip2 Interrupt concentrator chip. The organization establishes st and ards for some computers and electrical components. IEEE A high-speed communications protocol. I-TLB Instruction translation look-aside buffer. Kbyte KB Kilobyte. L L2 cache Level 2 cache. LAN Local area network. LED Light-emitting diode. See also PHY. Mbit Mb Megabit. MByte MB Megabyte. One million bytes. Mbps Megabits per second. MCU Memory controller unit. MHz Megahertz. One million cycles per second.
MII Media independent interface. MUX Multiplex, multiplexer. A multiplexer merges information from multiple signals to a single channel. N node An addressable point on a network. Stores system variables used by the boot PROM. Contains the system host ID number and Ethernet address. NVRAM retains the data when the workstation is powered off. OpenBoot software initially boots the system to a state in which the system can further load an operating system.
A high-performance or bit-wide bus with multiplexed address and data lines. PHY Physical access layer. Part of the digital-to-analog connection between the MAC and the physical Ethernet wire. POR Power-on reset. POST Power-on self-test. A series of tests that verify motherboard components are operating properly. Now initiated with the post comm and. PROM Programmable read-only memory. After the PROM has been programmed, it cannot be reprogrammed. See flash PROM. A computer using the RISC architecture.
SCSI Small computer system interface. SDR Single data rate. SMBus System management bus. SPOR System power-on reset. SPP St and ard parallel port. SRAM Static r and om access memory. Sun VTS A diagnostic application for testing hardware. T Tip connection A connection that enables a remote shell window to be used as a terminal to display test data from a system using the terminal interface protocol Tip. TOD Time of day. A timekeeping integrated circuit.
USB 1. USB 2. The correct Note is shown here:. The following illustrations were corrected in the version of the Sun Ultra 45 Workstation Service and Diagnostics Manual :. Copyright Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Sun Microsystems, Inc. In particular, and without limitation, these intellectual property rights may include one or more of the U. This document and the product to which it pertains are distributed under licenses restricting their use, copying, distribution, and decompilation.
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Note - Before removing or installing any hardware, software, or firmware components, read all of these product notes , and the service documentation for that component. Note - Before removing or installing any hardware components, read all of the contents of the Sun Ultra 45 and Ultra 25 Workstations Safety and Compliance Guide, Note - Before installing any software onto a Sun Ultra 45 or Ultra 25 hard drive, read the documentation for that software.
Note - Before contacting Sun for support, ensure that the mandatory patches are installed on your workstation. In addition to installing these patches, check the SunSolve SM web site on a regular basis for the availability of new patches.
To Apply Patches to the Boot Disk. Sun XVR graphics accelerator support. Note — Before contacting Sun for support, ensure that the mandatory patches are installed on your workstation. In addition to installing these patches, check the SunSolveSM web site on a regular basis for the availability of new patches.
Determine whether the patches have been installed on your system. For example, if patch or later is installed, your system has the required version of this patch.
For example, if no version of the patch, or a version with an extension of or earlier is installed, you must download and install the new patch. Using the SunSolve PatchFinder tool, specify the base patch ID number the first six digits to access the current release of a patch. This error is harmless, and does not compromise data integrity.
These warnings can safely be ignored, and will not affect audio functionality. Sun XVR graphics In limited cases when a system with a Sun XVR graphics accelerator card, part number , is transported without being repacked into the original system packaging, the card might fail.
Use the original system packaging, or equivalent, to transport the system. Install patch ID No. The tables also list possible workarounds for these issues. Component tests are selected from menu. See OpenBoot Diagnostics. Invoked from the Solaris Operating System. Command-line or GUI user interface. SunVTS must be installed on the system under test. See SunVTS. The Predictive Self-Healing predictive self-healing tools is often your first and best tool for diagnostics.
Diagnoses events and prescribes corrective actions. Diagnoses system motherboard and component interfaces. Max diag level performs tests including block memory and quick memory tests. XVR pfbtest. Some tests available. When you power on the Sun Ultra 45 or Ultra 25 workstation, a series of processes brings the workstation to a user-ready state.
Note - If the Solaris kernel does not load, you can run diagnostics from the ok prompt.