Occupational aptitude survey and interest schedule third edition oasis 3
It is designed to provide school personnel a systematic way to address critical transition planning areas that are mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act IDEA of and that take into account the individual student's needs, preferences, interests, and strengths. Information on transition needs is gathered from the student, parents or guardians, and school personnel through the use of three separate forms designed specifically for each of the target groups.
The TPI-UV includes four key components, each of which is described below: Administration and Resource Guide: This guide includes an overview of the instrument; background information on transition planning and assessment; detailed administration procedures; guidelines for interpreting and using the results of the TPI, including one extensive case study; and information regarding the technical features of the TPI.
The guide also contains a blackline master of the planning notes form, the principal document used for moving from assessment to individualized planning. In addition, the guide includes an extensive list of over transition goals that are correlated to each planning statement, blackline masters of the foreign language versions of the home form; and a comprehensive resource list. The student, home, and school forms contain the same 46 items — the student and home forms are written at a lower readability than the school form.
The profile provides a way to display the result obtained from the individual forms and to plan any further assessments that might be needed. Informal Assessments for Transition Planning Book: This resource contains over more detailed statements and 45 informal assessments that are related to the 46 items on the TPI. The latter two components were designed to provide further assessment alternatives to complement or extend the information derived from the 46 items of the TPI.
Candidates view illustrations of people or objects and must select the response that represents the mirror image of the original. Scores on the Dimension test predict success in technical and mechanical positions requiring inspection, design, and assembly.
Age range: 18 years and up Admin: Group or individual Qualification level: A Blocks assesses the ability to visualize the size and spatial relationship of objects in two and three dimensions. Candidates view illustrations of blocks in various stacks and must count the number of blocks in the stack, including those concealed from view.
This skill is important in the use of hand tools, equipment operation, warehouse management, and assembly line work. Age range: 18 years and up Admin: Group or individual Qualification level: A Judgment measures the ability to think logically and deduce solutions to abstract problems.
Candidates select the next logical item in a series of numbers or letters or choose the group of letters that does not logically belong with the others. This problem-solving skill is important in a broad spectrum of jobs requiring abstract reasoning and organizational skill.
Scores on the Applied Math test predict success in a variety of technical and clerical positions requiring abstract reasoning and numeric estimation skills. View Item Add to List. Age range: 18 years and up Admin: Group or individual Qualification level: A Dimension measures the ability to visualize objects drawn in their exact reverse. Candidates view illustrations of people or objects and must select the response that represents the mirror image of the original.
Scores on the Dimension test predict success in technical and mechanical positions requiring inspection, design, and assembly. Age range: 18 years and up Admin: Group or individual Qualification level: A Blocks assesses the ability to visualize the size and spatial relationship of objects in two and three dimensions. Candidates view illustrations of blocks in various stacks and must count the number of blocks in the stack, including those concealed from view.
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