Nrcs tr-55 software
Take me to the download Menu Agricultural Research Service U. Search small Search. Time of concentration was estimated by splitting the hydraulic flow path into separate flow phases SCS, The computer program became a standard tool to analyze peak flow changes caused by urbanization in many locations. Its wide acceptance by public and private users has also indicated where improvements could be made in the procedures and the computer program.
See " Disclaimer " below. Download 1. Download Download 9. Download 0. Download 4. Java 64bit 75 MB. Download 7.
Download 8. Rainfall runoff for hydraulically proportioning the principal spillway and auxiliary spillway of a dam. Version Download 2. Download MB. WinDAM version 1. In addition to estimating the erosion performance of auxiliary spillways, WinDAM estimates the erosion performance of earth embankments during overtopping OR during internal erosion events.
Download 5. Download 10 MB. WinTR will run on Windows 7 x86 and x64 and Windows 8. WinTR is a single event watershed scale runoff and routing model. It computes direct runoff and develops hydrographs resulting from any synthetic or natural rainstorm. Developed hydrographs are routed through stream and valley reaches as well as through reservoirs.
Data requirements include rainfall data, watershed data, and cross section data. Most if not all spreadsheets contain macros. Many engineering spreadsheets are available for use. These documents require Microsoft Excel. For more information on the Wisconsin Engineering Spreadsheets, email michael. Natural Resources Conservation Service Wisconsin. Stay Connected. Loading Tree Includes a Help tab. Conversion factors are included.
Automates Job Sheet calculations. Warnings are provided for rates that may cause drying shrinkage cracking. This spreadsheet could be modified for cross sections of other features.
Analysis is also based on water and culvert elevation. Includes three alternative designs: horizontal blanket, preformed scour hole, and lined channel expansion.
Also aids in design of culvert inlet protection. Able to accommodate sloping land, upstream and downstream berms, and core trenches. Also does calculations with percentages for compaction and settlement. There is no Help tab. If peak flows of the watershed are unknown, a copy of Chapter 2 of the Engineering Field Handbook is included.
Up to six separate pipelines or spur lines can be accommodated. Up to 24 different sets of cross section data can be entered. Watershed peak flow calculations are also included.
Inputs require some knowledge and experience with pump sizing. The data inputs are from Design Note 6 and outputs are for Standard Drawing Use when drop from pipe outlet invert to calculated tailwater is greater than or equal to the outlet pipe diameter. Use when drop from pipe outlet invert to calculated tailwater is less than the outlet pipe diameter or the invert is flooded up to 0. Calculates required D50 and quantities.
Design follows the practice standard issued March Includes a "Help" tab. Also includes fertilizer recommendations, seeding dates, temporary cover crop and companion crop requirements. Allows up to 5 inlets and 5 tile reaches, and will assist in selecting an appropriate surface inlet if one is needed. Used for round conduits only, but can accommodate round and rectangular orifices. The larger of the two calculations must be used to balance both the annual runoff and delivered nutrients.
It calculates 69 different individual storms and sums the individual loadings to obtain the annual loading. The user makes a few design choices before selecting the length that satisfies three criteria in the standard. It calculates 69 different individual storms and sums the P loading to obtain the annual loading.
Outputs include dimensions of storage pond, cut and fill volumes, percent solids, and linear quantities.