Iso time format
ISO solves precisely this problem. By agreeing to this international standard, all stakeholders worldwide can unambiguously specify times and dates.
The international standard ISO provides recommendations for numerical date and time formats. You can use various tools or scripts to convert date information into the desired ISO date format. This article explains all you need to know about the international standard for dates and times.
The ISO standard defines an internationally recognized format for representing dates and times. For times, they are expressed with the notation hours-minutes-seconds. In the case of dates, the format is year-month-day. This basic format enables the numbers to be written directly after another. For greater clarity, they can also be separated by delimiters. Times are divided into hours, minutes, and seconds. An ISO timestamp would therefore be: The representation of ISO date formats does away with the need for country-specific notations, at least in electronic formats.
This way, time and date information is standardized, resulting in fewer communication issues. A duration that begins on September 6, at pm and lasts one month, five days, and three hours would be expressed per the ISO standard as follows: T20P1M5T3H. According to the ISO standard, all values like times, dates or durations are shown in a certain order: They start with the largest unit and proceed to the next smaller value.
It corresponds with the natural mathematic value of numbers. Larger units are therefore always written before smaller units. This is advantageous as it means the lexicographical and chronological sorting of dates and times will produce the same result.
Any value with a time must begin with T. Requirement: Time values that are read by the extended notation informats that begin with the characters E must use an uppercase T.
W indicates that the duration is specified in weeks. Time hhmmssffffff BTM w. Time hh:mm:ss. Writing Truncated Duration, Datetime, and Interval Values Duration, datetime, or interval values can be truncated when one or more lower order values is 0 or is not significant. The following table shows examples of normalized duration components: Duration Extended Normalized Duration p3y13m p pt24h24m65s PT p3y13mT24h61m PT p p pT PT p13m P13M If a component contains the largest value, such as 60 for minutes or seconds, SAS normalizes the value and replaces the value with a hyphen.
Thirty days is used to normalize a month. Fractions in Durations, Datetime, and Interval Values Ending components can contain a fraction that consists of a period or a comma, followed by one to three digits. The following examples show the use of fractions in duration, datetime, and interval values: Negative dates dates prior to year 1 BCE , which begin with a hyphen e.
Ordinal dates year plus day of year, calendar week plus day number are not supported. These formats are used for data types daysecondInterval and yearmonthInterval , respectively, which Oracle has added to the JSON language.
P dD T hHmMsS , where d , h , m , and s are digit sequences for the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds, respectively. Any sequence whose value would be zero is omitted, along with its designator.
For example: "PT3M3. However, if all sequences would have zero values then the syntax is "P0D". P yYmM , where y is a digit sequence for the number of years and m is a digit sequence for the number of months.
For example: "P7Y8M".