Free pligg templates

Does anyone have any input as to where to place the Google Analytics code within this template? I tried to place it in pligg. Is there an update for the latest release 1.

I tested it with 1. Sorry for the inconvenience. I have decided not to release the updated version of silverbullet untill pligg 1. Rc2 is rumored to come out sometime next week. I have Rc1 from Pligg so maybe you can already prepare before Rc2 comes out. Thank you for the information.

I am not surprised with the issues you are having. I have litle problem on using thid tempalte. When i go to admin page, i get this error Warning: filemtime [function. This template is great, I await the upgrade for version 1.

I love this template so much. I am regularly visiting this site to see if you update and publish new vesrion of silverbullet. I am sure , as u said earlier you will be working on this.. Your efforts are much appreciated. If possible can you please include comments feature in sidebar.

New Templates — SilverBullet July 15th, Silverbullet 9. A better way is to config the entries using the provided admin panel. I put it before the main. I did check the main. You can just modify main. Include new. Aditya says:. August 13, at am. Sarah says:. November 6, at am.

Flappybird For Pc says:. March 1, at am. Please add your comment Click here to cancel reply. Fish Joomla! Tags: Drigg , Drupal , Wordpress , wpscoop.

Author: Lincoln on August 8th, Category: Drigg , Drupal. Tags: Drigg , Drupal , social news. Groovy Photo from WooThemes is the third in the 3 part Groovy series. This one is aimed at photobloggers, and joins the growing number of photoblogging themes at WooThemes HQ. A vibrant, fun colour palette set in a neat Author: Lincoln on July 14th, Tags: groovy photo , woothemes , wordpress photoblog theme. Home Privacy Policy Archives Contact. No Comments Read More.


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