Charles windows and doors reviews
For 25 years, we have delivered project-happiness and best value that everyone can be proud of, long-term , not just today. We are widely recognized as the BEST and are never scared-to-be-compared. Not quick-quote and hope. Design the best project solution drawing from our range of top-quality brands. Not slapdash replace from one line. No one meets our standards. Our crews are long-term specialists, and we are the ONLY company certified in water infiltration your biggest installation risk.
Way too often this means apples-to-oranges comparisons, and disappointment, leaks, return visits, stress. Ask your CWD Project Consultant to show you the important differences that protect you, such as triple water protection, specialized caulking product and method , acute adjustments, even down to the screws.
We are widely recognized as the BEST. We are not scared to be compared. When you choose Charles, you have a no-cost partner for life. What you do 1. Our long-term specialized crews are widely recognized as the best.
Brittany S. Danville CA. The crew and staff were fantastic at the beginning of the project. However, as the project moved on there was a lot of delay lack of efficiency.
The project manager was stretched too thin, and there was no respect between him and the crew. Finger-pointing in both directions. I reached out to the office staff and they were responsive, but I requested that the owner reach out to me so that we could have a discussion about the final details. The owner would not contact me. This was very unprofessional and I did not appreciate it. We pulled through the project and it looks beautiful, but it was not without stress and frustration.
Sallie R. San Francisco CA. I would most definitely recommend Charles Windows for siding and window work. The Project Manager, Nigel, was especially helpful and responsive to my needs. The company always made me feel that my job satisfaction was paramount. Millbrae CA. We did have a couple of issues come up with our Hardie Plank Boards siding installation, but the issues were addressed promptly and fairly, which is quite a find. They assumed responsibility and made the necessary corrections quickly.
And our siding looks great! Richard C. Novato CA. Great experience from start to finish. Could not be happier with the crew, the work or the results! Dan B. These guys really know waterproofing.
The team on the ground was exceptional, and did really thorough work. Our home is beautiful and now when it rains thank goodness for rain! I don't have to get out the buckets! Robby V. South San Francisco CA.
Ward T. San Mateo CA. This is entirely true of Charles Windows and Doors.