Bo olap tools

Click on OLAP connections. This takes you to the list of folders you have in you have here under which your connections are grouped. If you need to create a new folder, click on the new folder button marked below. Double click to go inside this folder. It is currently empty as seen below. Press on the new connection button to create a new one. This opens up a form where you fill up the connection details.

A relational data source contains data in one format and to meet the business requirements, you need to create a multidimensional product. OLAP data represents the hierarchical aggregations of the individual transactions. Aggregated data can be analyzed much faster than relational data. OLAP data source also allows hierarchy of data where you can drill to different data levels. OLAP data model is also called a data cube. It combines data by dividing data of database between relational and specialized storage.

The traditional OLAP had its drawbacks. Couple of them is as follows. Disadvantages of traditional OLAP:. You can also go through our other suggested articles to learn more —.

Submit Next Question. By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Filtering is easy and requires just a simple click. For SAP BusinessObjects WebI, it is more difficult to get a first set of data on a screen: first you have to create a query, afterwards, you can reorganize your data within the report. Sharing the result of your analysis can be done in both modules. However when you need a solution that is focused more on delivering pre-formatted reports towards a large audience, SAP BusinessObjects WebI has the advantage: there is a strong focus within the tool towards page lay-out, saving in different formats, scheduling the refresh of a document and more.

SAP BusinessObjects Analysis lets you interact with all data that is present in the cube: whenever you need an extra object in the analysis, you can just drag it in. Need more detail? Add a more detailed dimension to your analysis. If you need to drill or need more detail, the path is more pre-defined ie. SAP BusinessObjects Analysis aims to be the tool for Business Analysts: people who are searching the data for answers to rapidly changing business questions, but in a known context of business dimensions.

WebI reports can be the result of analysis to keep track of a specific problem, for example on a daily or monthly interval.

SAP BusinessObjects for applications and planning will let you interact even more with the data coming from OLAP cubes and will enable users to write back data to the cube e. The additional version will enable users to create real dashboards on top of OLAP cubes, create pre-formatted analysis on top of a cube and guide end-users in filtering their data by adding drop down filters on their pages.

Newer versions will add in extra visualization enhancements, offering a richer experience for end-users. Figure 1: T ool positioning as presented by SAP click to enlarge SAP admits with this visual representation an overlap or continuum between the different modules. Published on Friday, 12 October BI - Business Intelligence.


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