Bash programming read file
Create a file named company2. The output will show the file content without any backslash. You will need to read the file for many programming purposes.
For example, you can search or match any particular content easily from any file by reading each line separately. So, it is an essential task for any programming. Some simple examples of reading file in bash script are shown in this tutorial. These will help you to get the idea of reading file content line by line using while loop in bash script and apply in your script more efficiently. For more information watch the video! About the author Fahmida Yesmin I am a trainer of web programming courses.
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Posted: January 5, Top one-line Linux commands, customize VM images, and more tips for sysadmins. In this section, we will look at different ways to do just that. We will use BASH commands and tools to achieve that result.
We make use of the read and cat commands, for loops, while loops, etc to read from the file and iterate over the file line by line with a few lines of script in BASH. Method 1: Using read command and while loop We can use the read command to read the contents of a file line by line. We use the -r argument to the read command to avoid any backslash-escaped characters. The file name is stored in the variable file and this can be customized as per requirements.
You can run the script using the following command Here filereader. Skip to content. Change Language.