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Unknown 22 de mayo de , Unknown 11 de octubre de , Unknown 2 de marzo de , Armand 27 de marzo de , Unknown 3 de abril de , Unknown 26 de julio de , Jonathan Crux 1 de agosto de , Adolkiny 22 de septiembre de , HUGO 10 de julio de , Unknown 11 de septiembre de , Suscribirse a: Enviar comentarios Atom. In a recent segment on Vision of the Islamic Republic in Iran, an unnamed Wall Street banker in regard to these bailouts and socialist policy declared.
With this failure of capitalism to keep our nation afloat and national dependence on government aid came the inevitable tide of people and businesses clamoring for government rescue. It began with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, two financial institutions that were organized and operated largely by the government. After this bailout the federal government rescued bank after bank so that they could keep functioning and keep the American economy chugging along.
The implications of these takeovers are vast. Not only does the government now hold power over these banks through the money tat they have been given, the federal government now has a stake in these businesses. This means that the U. It has an unprecedented amount of control over the primary economic institution in the world: the bank. This fact alone shows that Socialism is coming to the forefront of U. However, these changes are, in the current international economic climate, completely necessary.
Indeed a modern capitalist system needs these kinds of changes if it is to make an honest attempt at continuing to function, despite the fact that the changes make it more socialist. Regardless, these changes have to happen if we are to prosper as a country and keep up with the rest of the world, especially China. If America cannot change then we will fall behind the rest of the world and this great nation will collapse.
To prevent this collapse America must choose one of the tow types of capitalism. The two types of capitalism that have arisen in the world, free capitalism, and moderated capitalism, each have their own inevitable decline and destruction and America seems to have chosen the latter. In free capitalism the market is allowed to run completely free, untouched by any policy or law.
This creates a very stable economy that controls almost the entire nation. Those few people who own businesses will also rule the government because they have all of the money, and therefore have the power.
However, such a system will eventually be brought down by a repressed working class, according to Marxist ideology. On the flip side of this, moderated capitalism cannot sustain itself. Because it cannot evolve to its full and massive potential it goes through stages of flux; it sees incredible highs and the deepest lows. Because of the moderation, when competition develops a company cannot simply buy out the competition and add to their own assets.
Instead they must compete with the opposition, and to compete reasonable risks must be taken; new business venture must be opened. A lot of the time these risks turn out well and a profit is made, but there will always be that one risk, that one bad business venture that fails after so much money has been pumped into it that it forces the economy into a recession not unlike the one we are seeing right now.
Loans were given out with little discretion in an attempt to maximize profits. When these loans defaulted the lenders involved lost vast amounts of money, the loaning of money came to a grinding halt, and our current recession ensued.
The intriguing part about capitalism is that the two causes of its decline go hand in hand, and began in an attempt to prevent the state from becoming controlled by business. After this the fluctuations in the American economy began. This recent recession has gartered the most sweeping and prominent plan since the Great Depression and because it is so large, and the implications so vast, that socialist policy will most likely continue to flow from Washington and the last of the worlds truly free markets will come under the sway of socialism.
Smith said in his book The Wealth of Nations, By preferring the support of domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention The problem with the idea of an invisible hand that we see today, and in the time since the Great Depression, is that capitalism has not been working for that man who works so hard and keeps the capitalism system going.
The perfect example of this is the recent troubles in the American automobile industry. The Big Three are facing severe financial problems because they were allowed by the government, and forced by the United Auto Workers UAW , to run a terrible business in comparison to carmakers like Honda and Toyota.
The Big Three have been having this problem since when foreign, especially Japanese, cars began to be more widely produced for America. It has been a steady decline, and in the Big Three finally lost the majority market share of vehicles in America to foreign companies. If these companies go bankrupt and fall apart then million people will lose their jobs.
That means that capitalism and the invisible hand, if the Big Three go under, will have failed each and every one of those who worked so hard to move the invisible hand and preserve capitalism. Those affected by the impending doom of the Big Three are already asking for government aid, they are asking for a bailout, they are asking to be indebted to the federal government. In addition, each company must present a new business plan to the government outlining how they plan to make their business more profitable and efficient, and the government must approve this plan before any kind of bailout money is provided.
The fact that they are asking; that this is not being imposed upon them, shows that this invisible hand of which Smith spoke has been thrust aside. The Big Three have finally proven to themselves, and the rest of the world, that their invisible hand has failed them, and when the invisible hand fails, socialism moves in to take its place.
Socialism is the inevitable conclusion of over two hundred years of the American free market. It has been a long, terrible journey to reach this end, but the days in which our free market is heavily moderated and controlled by our government will soon be upon us. It has been a steady, slow, and, until now, largely unnoticed fall from grace that American capitalism has seen. By small degrees it has fallen, little pieces of market freedom falling away over the decades and sowing the fields with the seeds of socialism, with the recent banking failure and economic crisis coming as the spring rains to finally give the seeds root and allow them to grow.
Harvest day is fast coming, the American people will reap in their crop, and great will be the feast with socialism, the bastard child of Marxist ideology, as the patron of the banquet. Reed Elsevier Inc. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. Network 1, Tehran. Juskalian, Russ.
New York: Modern Library, November This is the first of my new, regular entries to this blog. Every Tuesday from here on in is the plan. At ASU, where I am a student, last week there were a few days where some pro-life foundation or other took the time to come to campus and make a nice, large display to try to convince people of their point. I am pro-nothing myself. Basically I think that the point is politically moot and should just be left alone.
So the whole abortion debate means almost nothing to me, as I believe it should just be left up to the people involved. I guess you could say I am pro-choice, but think the entire debate is complete bilge. Anyway, normally I would wholly support someone going out and trying to spread his or her political beliefs to other people and stir up public interest. It is the only way that you can really get anything done politically in this country.
Pass out pamphlets, make a blog, get a soapbox; all of these are excellent ways to get attention to your standpoint on an issue. I love it when people do this because they are actively participating in government and politics. The put up huge signs showing aborted fetuses and things of that nature. Pictures that were vile and grotesque; good for shock value but little else. Is this constructive political thought? The answer is simply, no. There is merit to playing off of the worries and fears of the general populace when it come to political rhetoric, but what these people do is beyond that.
We must stop him! We have to stop this. I am not making an argument for or against abortion, I am just pointing out how ridiculous these people were. Nor am I saying that all Pro-life people are this irrational, I am simply discussing how moronic this was. I do admit that Pro-life people tend to be far more radical and obsessive than those on the other side of the issue, but this is unnecessarily radical.
Not as bad as blowing up med clinics, but still incredible. All in all, can we try to keep the debating of issues, especially issues as volatile as abortion, civilized and intellectually sound? No one listens to the lunatic on a street corner yelling about how the world is going to end, and showing images such as the ones I saw last week, especially on the scale which they were, is no different.
The people who agree with their radical measures will gather around and yell with them, but everyone else will either pass them by completely, or stop and try to debate the point like a civilized person. But this goes to what political debate and discussion has devolved into in America. That is not to say that there is not plenty from both sides, but Fox is much worse from my experience.
I blame the mass media for a lot of this hate, seeing as how they are the main propagators of it all. They just take whatever the other side does or says and opposes it for no particular reason most of the time anyway. Unless we get past this blind hatred of our political rivals there will be no more progressive presidents, there will be no more progressive thought.
Everything will just get caught ever and ever more in the heyday of partisanship. First I would like to state that the nature of our nation will not allow us to take on a system of government that I find ideal, but I can still dream, and talk about why we will fail if we don;t at least make an effort to make changes. In short, the British Parliamentary system, despite the fact that is may be considered less Democratic in the American sense of the word, is simply a better form of government in a modern world.
It was a very good idea when the massive political chasm that has divided America did not exist. In todays world there is too much dissent between the beliefs of people to allow for all of the red tape. Right now, President Obama is trying to pass his stimulus package, but he is meeting resistence, a lot of it from the right, and it is keeping the legislation from getting passed. Essentialy all of the checks and balances that our government is good at having and peretuating are keeping our nation from saving itself from our current financial crisis.
What is up with that? Fucking McCainaloonalainey telling his supporters to oppose the stimulus package? Because it was proposed by a Democrat? No, we already know that was dealt with on day one. Anton Tenacity. Luke Johnston. Purchasable with gift card. Vicarious Atonement 2. Tetragrammaton 3. Vermicide 4. Meccamputechture 5. Asilos Magdalena 6. Viscera Eyes 7. Day Of The Baphomets 8. El Ciervo Vulnerado. Tags rock progressive El Paso. The Bedlam In Goliath Mr.
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