Windows application in .net projects
NET 6 and. NET 5 including. NET Core 3. The first step to creating a new app is opening Visual Studio and generating the app from a template. In the Search for templates box, type wpf , and then press Enter. In the code language dropdown, choose C or Visual Basic. In the Additional information window, select. NET 5. Select the Create button. The following image shows both C and Visual Basic. NET project templates. If you applied the code language filter, you'll see the corresponding template.
NET 6. If the designer isn't visible, double-click on the MainWindow. Support for WPF in Visual Studio has five important components that you'll interact with as you create an app:. This pane shows property settings you can configure based on the item selected.
For example, if you select an item from Solution Explorer , you'll see property settings related to the file. If you select an object in the Designer , you'll see settings for that item. The toolbox contains all of the controls you can add to a form. To add a control to the current form, double-click a control or drag-and-drop the control.
This is the designer for a XAML document. It's interactive and you can drag-and-drop objects from the Toolbox. By selecting and moving items in the designer, you can visually compose the user interface UI for your app. When both the designer and editor are visible, changes to one is reflected in the other. When you select items in the designer, the Properties pane displays the properties and attributes about that object.
The designer may infer the values of properties on a control when the control is added in the designer. The XAML code editor gives you a lot more control. As you navigate the text caret in the code editor, the Properties pane displays the properties and attributes about that object. If the editor isn't open, double-click the MainWindow. You should see XAML similar to the following example:. Let's break down this XAML code to understand it better. NET code. C Projects on Sales Management System.
C Projects on Student Registration System. C Projects on Employee Management System. Change the property "Always create" to True in the property window by right-clicking on the Application Folder. User's Desktop.
Select the primary output. Change the property "Always create" to True in the property window by right-clicking on the User's Desktop. User's Program Menu. Change the property "Always create" to True in the property window by right-clicking on the User's Program Menu.
Note : You can see in the following image that the. Net Framework has been automatically added to the project because if any user doesn't have the.
Net Framework then this setup will install the. For each control, right-click it, choose Properties tab, and set the necessary properties. Figure illustrates what the Contact Cache Info application UI should look after you have finished the previous steps.
The first step in the implementation of the example Windows application is to create a ContactInfo class that implements the IPortableObject interface. Before the application can start handling events, we must bind the DataGridView control with a data source object:. In the Toolbox window choose the BindingSource object and drag it onto the form.
Set its properties. Enter contactsBindingSource into the Name field and then set its data source by clicking the arrow button on the right end of the DataSource field. In the drop down window choose Add Project Data Source Chose Object and find the ContactInfo class in your project. This is done by simply choosing the contactsBindingSource in the drop down window in the DataSource field of the DataGridView properties window. This is illustrated in Figure Now we have bound contactsBindingSource to our DataGridView control and all further interaction with the data, including navigating, sorting, filtering, and updating, is accomplished with calls to the BindingSource component.
We also need IFilter and CacheEventFilter fields to manage filtering and a WindowsFormsCacheListener field used to ensure that any event handling code that must run as a response to a cache event is executed on the UI thread. For this to work, we'll have to delegate methods for each cache event we're handling and then register a listener with the cache by using the AddCacheListener method.
NET Clients". In the constructor, we will also obtain the INamedCache that we're using in the application by using the CacheFactory. GetCache static method and initialize the ComboBox used for choosing the search attribute. As with any other Windows application, most of the remaining implementation has to do with event handling. Since each component in the Windows form can raise an event, event handlers must be created to handle each event.
Event handlers in Visual Studio can be added to your application by following these steps:. Right-click the Window component for which you'd like to implement an event handler and choose Properties. In the upper toolbar of the Properties window, select the lighting button and all events that the component can raise will be displayed.
Choose the event you want to handle and double-click it. Visual Studio will add the necessary code to your application to enable you to handle the event.
Next, you must implement the empty event handler method.